Sprinkler leaks aren't always the easiest things to find. Sometimes it takes a really high water bill to bring them to your attention. A tiny leak, say the thickness of a dime, could soak you for over 6,000 gallons of water a month. That could effectively double the water bill. Not only do they hit your wallet, underground sprinkler leaks can also create swampy areas in your lawn or even cause sinkholes to appear. If you think a leak is expensive, think about how much it would be to repair sinkhole damage to your driveway.
Small leaks are nothing to play around with. A single leaky sprinkler head can end up over using 200+ gallons in a single 15 minute run. If it runs twice a week (as it should), that's upwards of 1,600 gallons a month. What if you have more than one leak? Multiply the damages. Do you own an apartment complex or a neighborhood system? The cost could be enormous. Let our Spring sprinkler installation team check your system today, before it's too late.
One bad sprinkler head could cost $20 extra a month, maybe $40. Leaks in the supply lines or valve stems can be even worse. A cracked valve will leak constantly and could cost hundreds of dollars every month. Spring sprinkler repairs can diagnose and repair these leaks before they get the best of you.
Above ground leaks are usually caused by lawnmower blades, debris, or dogs or rodents chewing on the sprinkler heads. Underground leaks are more likely to be damaged by invading tree roots, moles or inopportune digging. It doesn't matter what the cause is, we can fix it and put measures in place to prevent it from happening again. My Spring sprinkler installation team has special diverters for tree roots, sprays to keep dogs and rodents from chewing and other methods for protecting pop up heads that are continually being broken.